
Valentine's Day Menu


Happy Valentine’s Day! In case you’re planning to spend a cozy night in cooking with your sweety (or with friends!), here is a menu idea:

To start: a Pomegranate Cocktail aperitif and Bacon & Basil Wrapped Dates

First Course: Red Valentine Chopped Salad

2nd Course: Red Roasted Carrots

Main Course: Beet, Onion & Eggplant Stack with Pesto (which is great alongside any meat entree´ if you want something a little more filling!). It’s also good with big round slices of fresh bufala mozzarella mixed into the stack.

For Dessert: Spiced Apricots dipped in dark chocolate with chili powder


All-time Favorite Posts


The Forest Feast turned 2 today! On that foggy morning 2 years ago, I had just gotten married, just left New York City for a cabin in the woods and I needed a new project to be excited about, a fresh start in a new place. Only in my wildest dreams did I think this little blog would inspire a whole new direction for my career and a cookbook dream project to boot! THANK YOU, my dear readers, from the bottom of my heart!  Your sweet notes and encouragement have inspired me to continue sharing recipes and made it possible for this series to grow. I am so excited to see what will be in store for The Forest Feast, and can’t wait to share my cookbook with you in April.

Growing up in the apple orchard, every fall we had more apples than we knew what to do with. When we had eaten all the apple butter, apple pie, apple sauce and apple cake we could manage, my mom would start dehydrating them to make garland, and we’d save them for decorations around the holidays. The Jewish harvest holiday of Sukkot just ended, and we haven’t managed to take down our sukkah yet (the little hut you built to eat meals under for a week). I just love sitting out there, maybe just another week or so! Jonathan snapped some pictures of me sitting under it the other day, while I was slicing apples for dehydration. I strung the dried apples (along with peppers and dried orange slices) on pastry twine and hung them in the sukkah.

I’m feeling a little nostalgic, so I thought I’d share some of my favorite all-time posts from the archive with you:

Watermelon Salad (my most popular post to date! from July 2012)

Roasted Brussels Sprouts (Jan. 2013)

Campfire Cocktail Hour (Feb. 2012)

Red Roasted Carrots (April 2012)

Guacamole Deviled Eggs (Nov. 2011)

Happy weekend, everyone!

With lots of gratitutde,

xx Erin

Red Roasted Carrots

Combine a couple pinches (or a quarter teaspoon each) of cinnamon, paprika, chili powder, garlic powder and sea salt. Mix spices well in a bowl with about 6 diagonally (oval) cut carrots plus 1T olive oil and 1t sesame oil. Roast at 400 for 20 minutes on a baking sheet until the edges are crispy brown. Enjoy warm!
