Happy New Year!


I can’t believe it is 2020! When I can, I like to spend some time during the holidays to take stock of the past year and set some intentions for the New Year. Two women who have inspired me recently in this regard are Gabby Bernstein and Tina Roth Eisenberg.

Tina Roth Eisenberg is the founder of Tattly, CreativeMornings, and a creative co-working space (to name a few!) and I love this talk she gave about the importance of pursuing side projects. Ever since I first heard it a few years ago, I like to go back and listen again when I need a little jolt of inspiration.

Gabby is a speaker and author and I just finished her book, The Universe Has Your Back. It has inspired me to carve out some time to get clear on what I really want to manifest this next year.

Do you have any creative side projects you want to take on in 2020?

And in case you are looking for healthy recipe ideas as we move out of the holidays, I love this Peanut Butter Avocado Shake from my first book!



1/2 ripe avocado

1 1/4 c (300 ml) milk (I use almond milk)

2 frozen bananas (peel & cut into chunks before freezing)

3 ice cubes

2 T peanut butter

Combine all ingredients in a blender until smooth!

Serves 2