A week in Oaxaca, Mexico


The Forest Feast is on vacation this week! Jonathan and I are in Oaxaca for a few days for our friends’ wedding. This place is so colorful and incredible! We are staying at the Quinta Real which is an old convent that's been turned into a hotel...absolutely stunning! Today we went to the outdoor market and sampled some local fare, like chilacayota, a drink made of blended squash with corn kernels floating on top. Unusual and delicious!  Chapulines (fried spiced grasshoppers) are a popular snack around here- there are women selling them from baskets everywhere. I haven’t gotten the courage to try them yet, but hope to before I leave! Mole is big around here so for lunch we stopped in at a little stand at the mercado for enchiladas drenched in the most magnificent mole. 


For more pictures from my Mexican adventure, follow me on Instagram, @theforestfeast.

Buen Provecho!